JPS Australia

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Coldplay 2009

Coldplay returned to Australia for another sold-out tour in Feb 2009. As Coldplay like numerous other acts are using the D&B J system, JAS was commissioned to supply our largest arena system to date.

The system design, handled by Tony Smith who has been with the band for many years, was in a 270 ° 6 hang setup with 2 delays down the room.

The system was made up of of 4 x 16 deep hangs of J8 & J12 with 12 x flown J-Subs. The outer 270 ° hangs were 2 x dVDosc subs and 8 x dVDosc boxes each. The 2 x delays up the room consisted of 4 x J8 boxes per hang. The delays had a 40m trussing system running down the room to supply the power and signal.

Coldplay brought their own Digidesign Venue D-Show console packages which were supplied by Wigam UK.

The band used a full in-ear monitoring system so no monitors were needed other than for the opening acts which used a JAS “Wayloud” monitor system with Yamaha M7CL consoles.


February 27 – March 12


72 x d&b J speakers
12 x d&b J-Sub
8 x d&b B2 Sub
4 x L=Acoustics dV-sub
16 x dVDosc

JAS Crew

Paul Gould – JAS audio chief / rigger
Eric Sanderson-Evans – d&b J system tech
Craig Gordon – system rigger
Connor Dune – monitor rigger

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